Discipleship & Outreach S. Crawley Discipleship & Outreach S. Crawley

15 Questions for Discerning God's Activity & How We Can Join Him

Practical Urban Mission - Part 2

The current series, Practical Urban Mission, opened by introducing three essential elements in transformative urban outreach.

Today, we’ll look at a second essential element - 15 questions to help us practically “listen” and discern how God is already working so we can respond in prayer and action.

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Bridging the Gap Between Reality and Vision in Cities: 3 Roles That Help Urban Harvest Workers

I have had a number of cross-cultural assignments in over the last 25 years.

The "what" was clear.

Less clear was the "how".

Each urban context is different. There are no guaranteed formulae to success. However, we are seeing patterns across different cities.

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Discipleship & Outreach S. Crawley Discipleship & Outreach S. Crawley

Relieve The Pressure (& Restore the Joy!) of Evangelism by Putting God at the Centre

Overcoming Challenges in Evangelism - Part 2 of 2

Evangelism is often framed as if God gave us the Great Commission from a distance and sent us off to make it happen on our own.

But IS God actually distant and uninvolved apart from giving us the command? Scripture speaks profoundly into this question in a liberating and life-giving way.

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Discipleship & Outreach S. Crawley Discipleship & Outreach S. Crawley

Evangelism Is Easier With This Paradigm Shift

Overcoming Challenges in Evangelism - Part 1 of 2

Recently I wrote about some common challenges faced by both Christians and un-churched people relating to evangelism.

My personal wrestle with these challenges & Scripture led to two powerful paradigm shifts that resolved the tension and opened up exciting new possibilities.

Today we look at the first of these Scripturally-based paradigm shifts.

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Are You Doing Urban Mission? Here Are 3 Important Questions To Consider

We previously looked at how population growth and technology have increased the complexity of our cities.

These changes have important implications for urban ministry. These implications confront us with pressing questions that must be addressed if we want to see God’s vision for our cities fulfilled.

We will look at three of them here.

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The Urban Challenge S. Crawley The Urban Challenge S. Crawley

Why Are Cities Hard To Reach? The New Urban Reality & 4 Postures To Move Us Forward

The growing urbanism of our world is well documented. Growing numbers of disciple-making movements (DMMs) are also well documented. What's missing is well-documented DMMs in urban contexts. Anecdotally, there are few urban instances of DMM, and those that exist are taking place primarily within sub-groups who have preserved a rural social structure. Sustained replicating discipleship is still rare amongst majority populations in our cities.

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