Relieve The Pressure (& Restore the Joy!) of Evangelism by Putting God at the Centre

Overcoming Challenges in Evangelism - Part 2 of 2
By S. Crawley

Photo by Noorulabdeen Ahmad on Unsplash

In the last post, we unpacked an empowering biblical paradigm shift regarding OUR role in evangelism. This paradigm shift moves us from approaching evangelism with a salesperson mindset to a mindset of being Jesus’ witness.

Today, we will look at a related biblical paradigm shift regarding God's role in evangelism.

Why is this important?

Evangelism is often framed as if God gave us the Great Commission from a distance and sent us off to make it happen on our own.

With God out of the picture, evangelism becomes primarily an interaction between us and the person or people we are connecting with. Improved evangelism methods become the key to success. If we simply push the right buttons and pull the right levers (ie follow the method) a new disciple will pop out.

This mechanical view can lead to us view others as objects ("souls") that we need to do something to ("save"). We lose sight of reality that those we are reaching out to are individually gifted and beloved sons and daughters of our Father-King.

It can also promote the idea that somebody coming to Christ (or not) depends on our technical ability, which creates a lot of pressure on the evangelist. Pressure to say exactly the right words, provide exactly the right knowledge, use exactly the right methods and give exactly the right presentation. We then judge ourselves (and others) on our ability to produce our desired outcome.

But IS God actually distant and uninvolved apart from giving us the command?

Scripture speaks profoundly into this question in a liberating and life-giving way.

A Powerful Paradigm Shift: God's Role in Evangelism

Here are some passages that are sometimes overlooked in conversations about evangelism, and they make it clear how active and central the Father's role is.

Acts 17:26-27

- God made every people and chose the places and times for them to live SO THAT they should reach for Him.

Implication: There are God-given reasons for people being in the place, time and community that they are in.

What are His reasons? We need to be curious and attentive to Him.

Jn 15:26-27, Jn 16:7-14

- The Helper, the Holy Spirit will bear witness about Jesus - as will Jesus' disciples. He will also convict the world with regard to sin, righteousness, and judgment. He will speak what He is given, declare what is to come and glorify Jesus. The Holy Spirit will come to Jesus' disciples and guide them into all truth.

Implication: We will ALWAYS be the junior partners in evangelism. Our senior partner is also a witness. He sees the Father better than we do and knows His plans. He understands each individual better than we do and what they need. The senior partner is speaking to the other person and to us.

What is He saying? We need to be curious and attentive to Him.

Jn 6:44-45 

- The Father is the one who draws people to Jesus. The Father's intention has always been that people will be taught by Him. Everyone who listens to and learns from the Father will come to Jesus.

Implication: People's greatest and deepest need is to listen and respond to the Father, not us! In addition, this passage tells us that OUR greatest and deepest need is to listen and respond to the Father.

What is He saying? We need to be curious and attentive to Him and find ways to help others listen to Him.

So what is God doing in the evangelism process?

These passages remind us is that God is doing ALL the heavy lifting in evangelism.

He is active. He is present. He has a plan, and He is executing it.

Do we have a role to play? Absolutely!

We are to be witnesses...

- actively listen to God, trust and obey Him as He invites us to join Him in the things He is doing in us and around us

- transparently live out our relationship with Him

- point to Him with our lives, speech and actions

- love and serve our 'neighbours'

- create opportunities for people to listen and respond to God in appropriate ways

Instead of being a distant, uninvolved commander, God is the one who makes everything happen in evangelism. We are tagging along as sons and daughters as Dad creates opportunities for us to “contribute”. This relieves a lot of pressure to perform and allows us to focus on loving our Father and loving those around us. This is evangelism at its most liberating and life-giving.


Isn't all that a bit vague? What exactly does that look like? How might we do it practically? How can these paradigm shifts lead into actual discipleship that results in transformed lives?

Great questions! In future posts we'll get practical with some ways to:

  1. Practice curiosity and attentiveness, and

  2. Simultaneously be witnesses AND create opportunities for people to listen and respond to God.

As always, please share your comments, questions or other Scriptures that are relevant to the topic.

For Reflection

1. A Scripture - Luke 10:1-3

- What does this passage tell us about the role of disciples/harvest workers compared to the roles of Jesus and the Father?

2. A thoughtful question

- Where do you see God’s hand in the place you live and the people He has put around you in this season?

3. A possible application

- How can you make more room for God in the way you practice and think about evangelism?

Discipling the Urban Harvest provides practical insights and encouragement to walk with God in multiplying discipleship in an increasingly urban world - growing as children of the Father, serving the communities He has called us to, and discipling those hungry to know Him.


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